Monday, June 20, 2022

Giving away my cyber security books to empower the next generation of professionals

The cyber security industry is struggling with a severe lack of talent right now, and even though this is one of the most exciting fields to start a career, many people are encountering barriers in gaining the initial knowledge, or trying to figure out if cyber security is right for them.

So effective immediately, I'm giving away all three of my cyber security books with any LeanPub Reader Membership.

Three great books, one low price. This bundle includes...

  • "Death by Identity Theft", a guide to protecting you and your family against identity theft;
  • "Hacking of the Free", a guide to digital threats to our elections
  • "Cyber Security: Rules to Live By", an introductory primer to cyber security concepts

As a cyber security professional with over fifteen years experience, I couldn't be happier than LeanPub has enabled this opportunity for its authors and readers. Authors are still compensated for their work, and the number of books available to readers at an extremely low price point exponentially increases as more authors join the cause.

This is an exciting time for the cyber security industry and tech industry as a whole. LeanPub is helping break down barriers of entry for technology careers, and the timing of this shift is perfect. With LeanPub, we can truly help empower the next generation of cyber security professionals.

Ken is a Cyber Security professional with over 15 years of experience.  All opinions are his own, and do not reflect the opinions of his employer or clients.

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