Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Looking at X's Grok for Potential Cyber Threat Intelligence and Guidance

I'm playing around with X's Grok from a cybersecurity perspective, and I'm very impressed so far.

Because Grok has real-time access to posts on X, it has interesting insights into what's going on in the cybersecurity realm.

For example, I asked Grok the following:

Monitor for any discussions related to specific malware, ransomware, or hacking techniques that could pose a risk to our systems running Wordpress.

The results are fascinating, and includes information about a WP-Automatic plugin vulnerability which were only released a few days ago.

I also started to explore Grok for tracking recent breaches. Once again, impressive results.

What organizations have been recently breached?

From Grok:

Based on the provided information, the organizations that have been recently breached are:

  1. BoAt - A significant breach last month exposed 7.5 million records. The compromised data included names, emails, addresses, and phone numbers (source: @DataDynamicsInc).
  2. Orthopedic and Fracture Clinic dba West Idaho Orthopedics and Sports Medicine - A breach affecting 5,000 individuals was submitted on April 17, 2024 (source: @OCRNewBreaches).
  3. Tea store T2 - An incident last week resulted in the breach of 86k records, which included email and physical address, name, phone, DoB, purchases, and scrypt password hashes. 64% of these records were already in @haveibeenpwned (source: @haveibeenpwned).
  4. Kisco Senior Living, LLC - The organization is sending out data breach notifications to 26,663 people following a cyberattack over 10 months ago in June 2023. The ransomware group, BlackByte, claimed responsibility for the attack (source: @Comparitech).
  5. Department of Science and Technology Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST PCIEERD) - A threat actor, HulkSec Philippines, has claimed to have accessed their private data, including name, email, ID, password, and username (source: @deepwebkonek).
  6. Lutheran Social Services of Indiana - INC RANSOM hackers announced another target recently, indicating they managed to breach the organization on the 10th of April (source: @f1tym1).

These breaches highlight the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and the need for organizations to be vigilant in protecting their customers' and users' data.

Grok also seems to be very aware of the details of these breaches. For example:

Assess the potential impact of recent security incidents or data breaches on Lutheran Social Services of Indiana, and provide recommendations for mitigating risks for partner organizations which may be affected.

Grok's Response:

The recent security incidents involving Lutheran Social Services of Indiana (LSSI), specifically the breach by the INC RANSOM ransomware group, pose significant risks to the organization and potentially to its partners. The impact of such an incident can be severe, including the following:

  1. Data Loss or Leakage: Ransomware attacks often encrypt or steal sensitive data. If LSSI's data was compromised, it could lead to the loss of confidential information or its exposure on the dark web.
  2. Service Disruption: Ransomware attacks can significantly disrupt the normal operations of an organization. If LSSI's systems were compromised, it could affect their ability to deliver services to their clients.
  3. Reputational Damage: Data breaches can erode the trust of clients, partners, and the public in the organization's ability to protect their data.
  4. Financial Loss: The cost of recovering from a ransomware attack can be substantial, including ransom payments (if made), system restoration, and potential legal costs.
  5. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: If LSSI handles personal data, they may be subject to data protection laws such as the GDPR or CCPA. A data breach could lead to regulatory fines or legal action.

To mitigate these risks for LSSI and other partner organizations, the following steps should be considered:

  1. Implement Robust Security Measures: This includes regular security audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Regular Data Backups: Regular backups of critical data can help organizations recover quickly from a ransomware attack without paying the ransom.
  3. Employee Training: Regular training on cybersecurity best practices can help employees identify and avoid common threats like phishing emails.
  4. Incident Response Plan: Having a clear plan for responding to a cyber incident can help organizations minimize the impact of a breach.
  5. Cyber Insurance: Cyber insurance can help cover the costs of a data breach, including legal fees, system restoration, and potential ransom payments.
  6. Vendor Risk Management: If LSSI shares data with third-party vendors, they should ensure these vendors have robust security measures in place.
  7. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the organization is compliant with all relevant data protection laws to avoid potential fines or legal action.

By implementing these measures, LSSI and other organizations can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to a cyber attack and minimize the impact if a breach does occur.

Overall I'm very impressed with Grok so far, and look forward to further experiments with its applications for cybersecurity.

Ken is a cybersecurity professional with over 15 years of experience. All opinions are his own, and do not reflect those of his employer or clients.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Grand Theft Venture Capital: My Nightmare Experience with a Predatory Venture Capital Firm

The following is the true story of my very first venture into a business partnership, and how everything went wrong due to a predatory venture capital firm making promises of funding they had no intention of keeping. The names have been replaced with initials, because while everything in this is true, I honestly don't have the patience or time to fight a false defamation/libel suit in court.

Many years ago, an associate we'll call "TG" approached me about starting a business with him. This business would have held college fairs across the country, utilizing technology to revolutionize the industry. I reviewed the business plan and it was a solid, a sure-fire success. Of course, the challenge was startup capital. However, he found a venture capital firm run by "JF" which was willing to invest with us for a reasonable amount of stake in the company. He provided me the initial contract, and after reviewing it along with my attorney, I was quite satisfied with the arrangement. Unfortunately, the original contract was never actually on the table.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

So You Want to Get Started in Cybersecurity...

Several years ago, I penned a blog post about embarking on a journey into the world of cybersecurity. It's been quite a ride since then, and now I'm thrilled to bring you an updated guide on how to kickstart your cybersecurity career. The best part? You don't need a cybersecurity degree to enter this exciting field. Let's dive in!

Degrees Aren't Everything

Many aspiring cybersecurity professionals wonder if they need a specific cybersecurity degree to land their dream job. The good news is that you don't necessarily need one! While a cybersecurity degree can be advantageous, degrees in related fields such as computer science, information technology, or data science can serve as excellent foundations. Employers value the technical and problem-solving skills that these degrees provide.

Getting Started with Free Resources Your Cybersecurity Training Hub is a goldmine of free cybersecurity resources. They offer a wide range of courses, from beginner to advanced levels, covering topics like ethical hacking, network security, and more. With hands-on labs and expert instructors, it's an excellent platform to build your skills.

Khan Academy: Foundational Knowledge

If you're looking to strengthen your mathematics and computer science fundamentals, Khan Academy is the perfect place. Brush up on your algebra, calculus, and programming skills, which are essential for understanding cybersecurity concepts.

Coursera: University-Quality Courses

Coursera offers free courses from top universities worldwide. You can find cybersecurity-related courses here as well. While some come with a fee for certification, auditing the courses allows you to access the content for free.

Practical Experience is Key

The cybersecurity field places a strong emphasis on practical experience. Therefore, in addition to theoretical knowledge, consider participating in Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges and setting up your own lab environment to practice your skills.

Remember that cybersecurity is a vast field, so don't rush. Take your time to explore different areas, such as network security, penetration testing, incident response, and more. Find what sparks your interest, and specialize accordingly.

As you venture further into the world of cybersecurity, I also want to introduce you to my cybersecurity books, which are available for free with a subscription to LeanPub. They delve into various aspects of cybersecurity, offering valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate this dynamic field. Here are my books:

  • "Cybersecurity Rules to Live By": An introductory guide to fundamental cybersecurity principles that every professional should know.
  • "Death by Identity Theft": Uncover the secrets of identity theft and learn how to protect yourself and others from this pervasive threat.
  • "Hacking of the Free": A guide to digital threats to our elections.

Embarking on a career in cybersecurity doesn't require a specific degree. With determination, the right resources, and practical experience, you can build a successful career in this dynamic and rewarding field. Remember to continuously update your knowledge and stay curious, as cybersecurity is ever-evolving.

Taking the Next Step - Your First Cybersecurity Job

Now that you've set your sights on a career in cybersecurity and equipped yourself with valuable knowledge, the next step is landing your first job. A great starting point for many newcomers to the field is a Helpdesk Technician role, which can serve as a launchpad for your cybersecurity journey. Let's explore how to find such a position and some useful resources to aid you in your quest.

1. Build a Strong Resume and Cover Letter

Before you start applying for jobs, ensure your resume highlights your relevant skills and certifications. Emphasize any coursework, projects, or personal initiatives related to cybersecurity, even if they weren't part of a formal job. Craft a compelling cover letter that expresses your passion for the field and your eagerness to learn and grow in a Helpdesk Technician role.

2. Leverage Job Search Websites

Several job search websites cater to entry-level IT positions, including Helpdesk Technician roles. Here are some popular ones:

Indeed ( One of the largest job search engines with a wide range of IT job listings.

LinkedIn ( An excellent platform for job hunting, networking, and researching potential employers.

Dice ( Specializes in technology and IT job listings, making it a valuable resource for those entering the cybersecurity field.

Glassdoor ( Offers job listings, company reviews, and salary information.

3. Explore Company Websites

Many organizations post job openings directly on their websites. Identify companies in your area or those you are interested in working for, and regularly check their careers pages for job postings.

4. Network, Network, Network

Networking is a powerful tool in job hunting. Attend local cybersecurity meetups, conferences, and webinars to connect with professionals in the field. Join online forums and groups related to cybersecurity on platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and seek advice. Sometimes, job opportunities are shared directly within these communities.

5. Consider Internships and Entry-Level Positions

While you may have your sights set on a Helpdesk Technician role as your first job in cybersecurity, don't disregard internship opportunities or other entry-level positions, such as IT support or junior sysadmin roles. These can be stepping stones to the role you ultimately desire and provide valuable experience.

6. Tailor Your Applications

Customize your applications for each job you apply to. Highlight relevant skills and experience based on the specific requirements of the job posting. Mention any certifications or coursework that demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity.

7. Prepare for Interviews

Once you start receiving interview invitations, prepare diligently. Research common interview questions for Helpdesk Technician roles and practice your responses. Showcase your problem-solving skills, technical knowledge, and willingness to learn during interviews.

8. Be Persistent and Patient

Job hunting can be challenging, especially when you're entering a competitive field like cybersecurity. Rejection is a part of the process, so don't be discouraged by setbacks. Keep refining your skills, expanding your network, and applying for relevant positions.

Useful Websites for Job Search

To make your job search easier, here are some websites where you can find Helpdesk Technician and entry-level IT positions:

Indeed: A comprehensive job search engine with a vast number of IT job listings.

LinkedIn Jobs: Leverage your professional network to discover job opportunities.

Dice: Focuses on tech and IT job listings, including entry-level positions.

Glassdoor: Provides job listings, company reviews, and salary information.

CareerBuilder: Offers a wide range of job listings, including IT roles.

Remember, landing your first job in cybersecurity may take time, but with persistence, continuous learning, and the right resources, you'll be well on your way to building a successful career in this dynamic and rewarding field.

Some Closing Thoughts

Cybersecurity can be a very rewarding career, but don't spend too much time staring at the computer screen and not enough time outside in the real world. Cybersecurity naturally attracts introverts, and believe it or not I am naturally one of them. The only way I've succeeded and advanced my career in cybersecurity has been by breaking outside of my comfort zone and actually talking with people. It has taken me years to build up the social skills I need to truly succeed. Strike up a conversation, push your own boundaries. And most importantly, don't forget to stop and enjoy life outside of the computer world once in a while.

I wish you the best with your cybersecurity career, and hope that you'll make an excellent addition to our much-needed workforce!

Ken is a cybersecurity professional with over 15 years experience. All opinions are his own, and do not reflect those of his employer or clients.

Looking at X's Grok for Potential Cyber Threat Intelligence and Guidance

I'm playing around with X's Grok from a cybersecurity perspective, and I'm very impressed so far. Because Grok has real-time acc...